Monday, July 8, 2013

BOUNDARIES Part One: Who's Responsible for What

I have met many women who are disenchanted with their lives.  When they get up in the morning, they know that the Lord promised a life of fullness and joy but they dread their day. Between marriages that have lost their spark to the strong-willed child that is constantly badgering them, these women live with cobwebs in their minds and walls in their hearts.  There is guilt for needing to diet and exercise, anger for traffic that doesn't cooperate, resentment towards friends or family members who act irresponsibly, frustration for their friend’s constant crises, guilt for not volunteering more at church, bitterness towards the kids when they misbehave and offence towards a husband who is immature and emotionally detached. Between exhaustion and loneliness these women are trying to live life the right way but aren't getting rewarded for their efforts.  They are trying to be good wives and mothers but life just isn't working out.  The result is deep spiritual and emotional pain from isolation, helplessness, confusion, guilt and an overwhelming sense that life is out of control! 

In these situations trying harder isn't going to work.  Just being nicer or more loving isn't going to work either.  The main issue here is learning how to take responsibility or ownership.  This means knowing what is OUR job and knowing what ISN'T!   Many women, in order to avoid conflict, end up taking on problems that they were never supposed to take on showing a lack of boundaries.  This is one of the most serious problems facing Christian families today.  Many sincere, dedicated believers struggle with setting biblically appropriate limits.  This has led to symptoms such as depression, anxiety, guilt, shame, panic as well as marital and relational struggles.   

We are responsible TO OTHERS and FOR OURSELVES.  So what does this actually mean?  First, it means that you know what you are to take ownership of and what you are to take responsibility for.  It also means that you know what you do NOT have to take responsibility for and what you do NOT have to take ownership of – these are the responsibilities of others.  Problems arise when people carry other people’s loads. 

But doesn't the Bible say that we are to “carry each other’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2, NIV)?  Yes it does, but three verses later it also says, “Each one should carry their own load” (Gal. 6:5, NIV).  So what is the difference between a burden and a load? 

A burden is something that is in excess, it’s very heavy and weighing a person down.  People should not be expected to carry burdens by themselves.  A burden is often a crisis or tragedy, for example, the loss of a baby, the death of a spouse, a tragic accident or illness, etc.    We are expected to help others carry these burdens. 

A load is more along the lines of daily toil or the daily things that we all need to do.  These we are expected to carry on our own.  This includes household tasks, keeping a job, paying bills as well as things such as feelings, attitudes and behaviours.    A problem occurs when we begin to carry these loads for others.  Doing this goes against the law of sowing and reaping which is written just a few verses later in Galatians;  “A man reaps what he sows” (Gal. 6:7, NIV). 

So, what are YOU responsible for and what are you NOT responsible for? 

Feelings have often been misunderstood by Christians.  Too often people make bad decisions because of hurt feelings.  We can’t ignore our feelings yet at the same time, we can’t use them to make decisions.  The bible teaches us to “own” our feelings and to be aware of them because they often point to problems.  Feelings come from your heart and often tell you the state of your relationships.  They can tell you if things are going well or if there is a problem.  But your feelings are your responsibility and you must own them and begin to find the answer to whatever issue they are pointing too.  You cannot blame your feelings on others but rather take them to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to show you the real root and problem in your heart which they are pointing to.    

Often we don’t see the connection between our attitudes and our troubles in life, instead we blame others.  We must own our attitudes because they belong to us.   We are the ones who feel their effect and we are the only ones who can change them.  We must take our wrong attitudes to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to show us the character deficits that cause them and then repent.   

Scripture clearly states that there is a connection between sowing and reaping.  If we exercise we will get healthy; if we overeat we will get fat.  If we are rude and mean to someone the relationship will become fractured.  The problem comes when someone interrupts the law of sowing and reaping in another’s life.  A person’s wrong behaviour should have consequences. To rescue people from the natural consequences of their behaviour is to render them powerless to change.  When parents nag and constantly remind instead of allowing their kids to reap the natural consequences of their behaviour those children don’t learn to act responsibility.  When people come to the rescue of their friends by constantly bailing them out of trouble they produce irresponsible adults.  When individuals ignore sexual sin, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. and cover these things up for their friends or family members they are enabling them to continue in a life of irresponsibility and sin.   We must ask Jesus to show us where the law of sowing and reaping is out of alignment with His Word in our lives.  He will show us if we are being rescued when we should be carrying our own load and if we are falling into the trap of rescuing others. 

we need to take responsibility for our choices!  A common boundary problem is disowning choices and trying to lay the responsibility for them on someone else.    You are the one who ultimately decides how to live your life.  You are the one who must live with the consequences of these choices, and you are the one who may be keeping yourself from making the choices that will bring you happiness.  Jesus can show us where we haven’t taken responsibility for choices that we need to own and how to do that. 

What we value is what we assign importance to.  If we value family we will choose lots of family activities.  Those who value health and looks will exercise and spend time and money on their appearance.  We must take responsibility for what we value.  Do we value the approval of God or do we value the approval of men?  When we take responsibility for behaviour that stems from valuing things that have no lasting value and confess that we have a heart that values things that will not satisfy we begin on a journey of lasting relationship with God.  Spending time in His Word to learn what He values and praying for our hearts to become aligned with His is part of this process. 

God does not force people to behave but rather He sets standards, tells us what they are and invites us to be with Him, if we follow those standards.  Heaven is open to all people but only the repentant will live there eternally.  We need to learn to set limits too.  One way to set limits is to limit our exposure to people who are behaving poorly.  We can’t make others change or make them behave but we can limit the time we spend with them.  This is not unloving but rather when we separate ourselves we protect love because we are taking a stand against those things that destroy love.  We need to ask Jesus to show us who we need to set limits with and what these limits will look like. 

God has given each person talents, spiritual gifts and abilities.  They are clearly our responsibility and we must take ownership of them, including developing them and seeking to grow in them.  We are accountable to exercise our spiritual gifts and talents in a productive way.  It takes work, practice, learning, prayer, resources and grace to use our gifts properly.   Ask Jesus to show you what your talents, spiritual gifts and abilities are and how He wants you to use them for His kingdom. 

Satan loves to plant lies in our thoughts which is one reason why we must own our thoughts and not let wrong thoughts turn into bad attitudes, bad choices or bad behaviours.  This will require us to be continually growing in the knowledge of God and His Word so our thoughts become aligned more closely with His thoughts.  We must admit that often we don’t see things clearly.  Our perceptions are distorted and we need to take ownership of our thinking.  Satan loves to tell women lies such as, “beautiful girls are worth more”, or “I have to perform to be loved and accepted”.  Combatting these lies will require admitting that our perceptions are often wrong and digging into God’s Word to find the truth!

Each person had different desires, wants, dreams, wishes, goals and plans.  Often these things are built upon self-satisfaction yet so few women are actually fully satisfied in life but rather yearn for things that they don’t have (either material or relational).   Often we desire things out of wrong motives.   We must take responsibility for our desires, wants, dreams, wishes, goals and plans and actively seek how we can submit these things to the Lordship of Christ.  This will require that we listen to Him in prayer with open hearts about our desires and seek His will for our lives. 

Love is one of the greatest gifts that we can give and receive yet many people have difficulty giving and receiving love because of hurt and fear.  Everybody needs an inflow as well as an outflow of love in order to live healthy lives.  Many people have lots of love around them but feel lonely because of their lack of responsiveness to that love.  Our hearts are our own property and we need to take responsibility for that!  If we feel lonely or unloved we need to ask Jesus to show us why.  The answer will probably be less to do with lack of love and more to do with our own personal hurts and hang-ups. 

When you look at the above list it can seem a bit overwhelming.  Each person probably has at least 1 or more area to work on.  If you desire to have godly relationships then it is vitally important to learn what you are responsible for and what you aren’t responsible for and to start living that way.  The possibilities of personal growth are endless – your marriage will be affected and so will your kids as you become a better parent and experience more freedom and joy in all your relationships.  You are the only one who can bring each item to Jesus and let Him show you how to find healing and wholeness as He reveals the truth to you as you grow in relationship with Him. 

Recommended Reading:  Boundaries, by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

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